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Showing posts from November, 2021

Tuesday Night Showdown

    All I have to say is, wow. That word describes our game last night when we traveled to North Manchester, Indiana to battle against Manchester University. The bus ride was long, so we knew it was already going to be a battle and the atmosphere made it even harder.      Tuesday night games are always challenging, especially when they are away in a hostile environment. Manchester had a great turn out last night and had around 100 students in attendance, so it was very challenging. The ball tipped and the game began and it only got crazier as the game went on. My teammate, Landen Long came out on fire and continued with it throughout the whole game, as he scored a career high 35 points! The game was 70-66 with four minutes remaining and I leaked out ahead of the play and had a slam dunk to put us up by six points and the arena went completely silent. To be honest, at this point we thought we had the game wrapped up, but we kept fighting. It ended up being 84-82 with six seconds remaini

Social Media Podcast

    As we were asked to make a podcast for an assignment in my social media class, I was actually excited for this because I love talking and doing podcasts. I actually use to do a podcast with my brother when I was younger and we actually became pretty popular from it and we had a blast making it, which made me excited for this!     For my podcast, my first problem I talked about with social media was the amount of people who have social media in the world and how addictive it can be. For example, I love social media and I think it is great for promoting yourself and your business, but it has became so addictive that we have forgotten how to socialize without phones. Also, social media can be a false narrative and make it seem like certain people live a perfect and flawless life, and no one is perfect. I think social media has become to addictive and has led to a lot of false narratives.     Secondly, I talked about the amount of very young people that have social media. For example,

TikTok Strategies

    The most popular app in the world right now for young adults is TikTok, and I do not believe that it is even close. I see a number of people everyday that do not get off TikTok for hours. But here is the thing, TikTok can be used for more than just your pleasure and can actually be used to expand companies, especially by making videos and paying for advertisements.           Founded in 2016 in China, TikTok has became massive. It has became so massive that it now has 689 million active monthly users and it is 51% males and 49% females, which is rare to see that. Just like YouTube, this app can be used for much more than just fun and pleasure. For example, Chipotle is very popular on TikTok, considering I see them everyday. They use videos and advertisements to help push their business and get you interested and also use corky videos to get you hooked in.      You can use TikTok to make your own videos, but they also give you the feature to duet other videos and stitch them too. A d

First Weekend Recap

    As we traveled back from Case Western Reserve in Cleveland this Sunday, I had time to recap and also process how our opening weekend for basketball went. We knew heading up to Cleveland on Saturday morning that we were guaranteed two games, no matter what happened. If we win Saturday, we are in the championship, but if we lose we are in the consolation.      We left Ada around 11:30 Saturday morning and on the way to Cleveland we stopped at an Olive Garden for a pregame meal, and to say I was excited was an understatement, I was beyond ready for the breadsticks. After Olive Garden, we headed to our hotel to get settled in for the weekend and had a little bit before we headed to our first game. We arrived at the gym for our game around 4:30 and begin preparing. We knew coming into this game that it would not be easy, as we were facing St John Fishers from New York and they were coming off a very successful season, so we had to be ready. The ball tipped and we took over from there, a

Can YouTube be More than Entertainment?

    Discussing and learning about YouTube has been fun and also informative. It has been fun learning about YouTube because I am an addict and always watch videos on it. I love YouTube because you can watch and find anything you need. Whether it is life advice, music videos or content creators. For example, I watch Danny Duncan and The Nelk Boys all the time and it is great. But, can YouTube be used for more than entertainment?     For example, YouTube is a fantastic way to promote yourself and your business, especially with amount of active users on YouTube. Everyone starts somewhere, everyone starts with zero subscribers, it is all about what you do with that. My freshman year of basketball at Ohio Northern University, I played against a guy named D'Vontay Friga from The University of Mount Union and he is YouTube famous now with over 600,000 subscribers and makes a living of promoting himself and his brand. His brand slogan is "Stay Motivated, Stay Positive" and has pa

The Season Begins

    On October 6th, my teammates and I will head to Case Western Reserve in Cleveland to kick-off our 2021-2022 basketball season. To say I am excited, anxious and nervous would be an understatement. We have had this day marked on the calendar since the end of our season last year and we are very motivated.      I come into the year as junior, along with five other juniors and I feel confident especially with the veteran leadership we will have this year. We will be starting four juniors and one senior and that is very helpful with the amount of experience between all of us. The preseason has been an absolute grind, like always, but hopefully it all pays off when we tip the ball off this Saturday night. A lot of us are sore and beat up right now, but that always happens during the preseason. We will play St. John Fisher out of New York on Saturday, and they are a very good team which will be a great challenge for us. We will play Sunday no matter what, but it all depends if we win or l