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First Weekend Recap

    As we traveled back from Case Western Reserve in Cleveland this Sunday, I had time to recap and also process how our opening weekend for basketball went. We knew heading up to Cleveland on Saturday morning that we were guaranteed two games, no matter what happened. If we win Saturday, we are in the championship, but if we lose we are in the consolation. 

    We left Ada around 11:30 Saturday morning and on the way to Cleveland we stopped at an Olive Garden for a pregame meal, and to say I was excited was an understatement, I was beyond ready for the breadsticks. After Olive Garden, we headed to our hotel to get settled in for the weekend and had a little bit before we headed to our first game. We arrived at the gym for our game around 4:30 and begin preparing. We knew coming into this game that it would not be easy, as we were facing St John Fishers from New York and they were coming off a very successful season, so we had to be ready. The ball tipped and we took over from there, as we dominated the whole game. They had a preseason All-American and we held him to only 11 points and he shot very bad from the court. 

    Winning on Saturday meant that we were in the championship on Sunday against a very good team from Wisconsin, we knew it would be a challenge. We arrived at the gym at 1:30 on Sunday and we were locked in on getting a championship. The ball tipped up and it was a very slow start to the game for both teams, as the score was 5-0 six minutes into the game. They pulled away by 16 to end the first half, but we came out in the second half and had a very hard fight and kept the close the whole time. Unfortunately, we ended up losing 67-52, but we were still happy with the second half and always happy with the opportunity we have to learn from this game. 

Go Bears! 


  1. Adam! Congratulations on making it the championship game! I know it wasn't the result you guys wanted but by the sound of it you guys put up a fight to win. It's exciting basketball season is getting back in full swing and you guys will be playing every week now! I'm happy I finally get to attend some games this year since last year it was difficult to get tickets. I can't wait to come and cheer you guys on! I wish you the best of luck this season!

  2. Congrats on getting to play in the championship game, Adam! I loved how you included your pregame meal with your team. When I played volleyball in high school, we always went to Buffalo Wild Wings for our pregame meals and it was honestly the best part of the night! Nothing beats team bonding haha!


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