One of the most important apps you will discover, especially for your business endeavors is LinkedIn. It is one of the best ways to get your name out there to employers and also discover ways to connect and mingle with others
This app, started back in 2002 is the World's largest professional network at around 740 million active users, which is absurd. LinkedIn is the #1 channel used to distribute content throughout it's network. It is very important when you begin to use LinkedIn that you take the time to finish your profile and make it appear very professional.
The main reason behind LinkedIn are used to build your brand awareness, engage with your customers and fellow employees, build your target audience and then interact with them. Once you are comfortable, these factors are very important to follow, especially if trying to help yourself and company out in the future. Another big factor, is using pictures on your posts as that can help with engagement and can also show your true experiences. Take the time out and think through your posts and make them user friendly and interesting. A good thing to follow is the 4-1 rule, which means every self-serving post, you then share four pieces of relevant things that are written by others on the app.
Use LinkedIn to your advantage and you will do great!
LinkedIn really is important in the professional world. I haven’t used it much at this point, but I am sure that I will use it more when I am entering the real world. It is very important to leverage LinkedIn from a business perspective as well. Even if you are unable to generate sales directly from ads on LinkedIn, spreading awareness of your product or service to LinkedIn users could result in conversions at the companies those users work for. I think that is a big part of why the 4-1 rule is part of marketing on LinkedIn.