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Christmas is Soon Approaching

    Yes, I said it, Christmas is soon approaching. It is crazy to believe that it is already almost November. As I have gotten older, I feel as if time goes even faster. It seems like just last week I had guys over on the basketball team and we were celebrating the New Year of 2021 and now it is almost Christmas. 

    Christmas is by far my favorite holiday, not just because it is the longest break I get from academics and athletics but also because I get to cherish the time with my family, dressed up, sitting around the fireplace and opening presents and just enjoying the time we get with each other. Christmas became my favorite holiday when I was a young kid and still believed in Santa Claus. I would always cherish going to church on Christmas Eve and then coming home after and all my cookies and milk were gone and the presents were suddenly under the tree. Those moments right there are ones I will cherish forever and ones that make me so excited to do with my own family someday. As I type this blog, I always get a little sad because it is crazy how fast the time flies and how much we take those times for granted, but I still understand how incredibly blessed I am for the life I have been given. 

    Another one of my favorite parts of Christmas is also seeing the snow on the ground and seeing all the beautiful lights hanging around my neighborhood and my mom making her famous food. We used to have a tradition every Christmas and we would all get together on both sides of my family and go to Columbus and stay in a hotel for a whole weekend. All the girls would go out and shop and all the guys would go out and do things that guys do, go out to eat, race go karts, and all that other fun stuff. 

    In all, never take the time for granted, especially the time you get home with your family, because it will all be gone in the blink of an eye. 


  1. Christmas is also my favorite holiday. I love how happy people get around Christmas, especially when they get time off work and have next to no responsibilities. I also like winter in general. Snow and all the related activities that come with it. Snow is always pretty to look at and makes the world so quiet. It is nice to just sit outside in the near silence due to how much snow dampens sound.


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