I have been sitting back recently and thinking, it is crazy that I am already in week 6 of my junior year of college. I know everyone says it, but I truly feels like I just graduated high school yesterday and now here we are. When you are younger, your parents and relatives will always tell you to enjoy being young because it fly's by and I never believed it and know I wish I would have listened.
Going into this semester and coming off summer, it was hard. I can't lie, it was hard coming back to school this year because this summer I had was truly the greatest summer I have ever had, and I never say that. The amount of time I spent with family and friends this summer was awesome. I had my brothers wedding, I turned 21 this summer, we had a big part in our local fair and then you add in all the weekend trips, it was a summer to remember. Regardless, I knew I needed a big year in the classroom for my junior year, so I decided to write "3.5 GPA" on a sticky note above my laptop and I look at it every time I do homework or study. Going back to high school and the years before that, school has never been my thing, not even close. Coming to college I changed my mindset on academics and have blown my high school days for academics out the water, which I am happy with.
As week 6 begins to come to a close, I am super happy with my progress this semester so far and how my classes are going. For example, I dedicate every Tuesday or Wednesday to all my academic work. I wanted to try this before I came this year and so far I absolutely love the idea, I try and get all my assignments and studying done for the week on these days. No matter what happens this year, I hope myself and everyone else on this campus has a great year, no matter the distractions because there can be a lot in college.
As someone who really doesn't like the academic side of college, I can understand not coming back. I had a great summer and coming back to the classroom was hard. I'm glad I've made it this far in college and I'm looking forward to the rest of college, as well as making goals for my academics so I do better.