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LeBron James

    Growing up, I fell in love with the game of basketball, and people would always ask me how I did, and the answer is simple, LeBron James. Being a young kid that is from Northwestern Ohio, I watched LeBron play every night on Fox Sports Ohio when he played for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and I mean every single game he played for the Cavaliers. I remember watching him wear #23 and put on for the state of Ohio and he is 100 percent of the reason I now where #23 for Ohio Northern and why I even play basketball. 

    LeBron came into the NBA in 2003, and even though I was only four years old, I still remember everything about it. He came from a very prestige high school in Ohio called Akron St. Vincent St Mary's where the arena is now named after him and his number is retired. At St. Vincent, he won 3 state titles and won Mr. Basketball 3 times, both an Ohio record. Lebron actually played a team in my conference in high school, Ottawa Glandorf and beat them both times, which I thought was very cool. Of course, when people ask me who I think the greatest of all time is, my answer will always be LeBron, forever and always, he is what I grew up watching and my biggest role model, so my answer will never change.

    Once LeBron left Cleveland the first time, I was very upset, just like every other person who loved him, but of course I then became a Miami Heat fan the next four years where he went on to win two NBA titles with Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade, and it was a fun time in my life. Then, as everyone knows he came back to Cleveland for a couple more seasons, and lived up to his life time promise in 2016 when he brought an NBA championship back to the City of Cleveland and that was the only time I have ever cried over a professional sport because I am a die hard Cleveland fan. It made it even better because they came back from being down 3-1 against the Golden State Warriors and ended up winning in 7 games, which had never been done before. Now, with the Los Angeles Lakers and winning a title there, it has been bittersweet because I know his career is winding down. 

    LeBron, I just want to say thanks for inspiring a young kid from Wapakoneta, Ohio to pick up a basketball, give it all he has everyday and wearing #23 for the King. 



  1. Growing up, I was always a Lakers fan and didn’t really like lebron because I had Kobe and he was my role model and why I love basketball. I remember in elementary school going to the Y and wearing my Kobe jersey and trying to do the moves he had, which usually failed but I wanted to be as good as him. Although I don’t play anymore, I like to bring that same passion he brings to golf and when I’m coaching basketball.


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