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Routine Is Key

    Do you have a daily or weekly routine? A routine can be beneficial to success, especially when you are a busy person. Being able to write down a routine, can help you in numerous ways, including daily organization and structure. By definition, routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed; a followed program. A routine may seem boring or get old, but I promise you it can be the key to a successful life. 

    I am big on a daily routine because of how seriously I took it this past summer and how great it made my days feel. Monday through Friday, my wake-up call was 5 am, and I was in the weight room by 5:30 am. I would wrap up my lift around 6:30 am, shower, and eat a big breakfast. By 7:20 am, I was out the door and on the way to work. I would then work from 7:30 am-5:00 pm, come home and go to the court at 6:30 pm and get my work in. I would then head home, shower, eat, and go to bed before 10:00 pm. Just by following this daily ritual five days a week, I was able to gain 20lbs of healthy weight, improved my mental health, and followed a better diet. It doesn't take a lot, but it does take an incredible attitude and discipline. 

    It may not be for everyone, but if you are struggling with your mental and physical health, trying a daily routine is worth a shot. Now that summer is over and I am back at school, my routine has changed but that still doesn't stop my grind. I strive every day to have my workouts complete before my first class, and also meal prep every Sunday and get caught up for the week. Sunday is a key day to get your mind and body ready for the week ahead. If you can have a fantastic Sunday, you will have a fantastic week, and that is spoken from experience. 


  1. Adam, thanks for sharing how your routine looked in the summer. I had a similar routine this summer with soccer and found it very helpful to following a plan for my day. Hope all that hard work pays off this year!

  2. Thanks for the interesting blog! I think we share quite same routines. Have a nice autumn and hope that hard work pays off!


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