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Showing posts from September, 2022

First Half, First Semester

    My senior year of college is flying right by. It is crazy to think we are almost complete with the first six weeks of the semester. It seems like just yesterday I was moving back into my house for the school year. I am trying to cherish every moment this year and slow time down as much as possible because the real world is sitting on my doorstep.        This semester has been good for me so far. Since I moved in six weeks ago, I have been back home for a total of four hours, which can be hard for me sometimes. I finally got home last Saturday for a couple hours and it was fantastic. I got to see my family and go out to eat with them at Side Rail in Wapakoneta. Those are the moments I will never trade for the world, and I always cherish them. Busy has been an understatement this semester. Between practices, classes, and projects, I have been moving non-stop since I came back to Ada. Some people have mixed feelings about always being busy, but I love it. Being busy is a privilege and

Music Cures All

    Music cures everything in life. Sometimes I truly wonder what I would do without music. I use music every time I drive, work out, or even just around the house to help me focus. Not only does it help me focus, but it can help me get through a tough or confusing time in life. There are some days when I just put my headphones in and just block out all of the outside noise in life, and it works every time.      To me, all genres can be good, depending on the situation. If you are only listening to one genre, I feel as if you are limiting yourself. When I am working out it is usually rap or rock, but when I want to let loose, it can be country or electronic music. I listen to all genres of music on a daily basis but the old-school hard rock will always be my favorite. Old school rock is great and my dad grew up on it, so he introduced me to it. When I listen to it, I think about how much different life was back then and how much fun they had together and I wish it could be like that so

The Place to Be

    If you are a sports fan, Cleveland is the place to be right now. Writing that first sentence makes me extremely happy because I have been a die-hard Cleveland sports fan for 22 years now. Trust me, during those 22 years there has been plenty of ugly and not as many smiles. Outside of the Cavaliers winning the NBA championship in 2016, there hasn't been a lot of positives for Cleveland sports fan, but that has finally changed.      First, let's talk about the Cleveland Browns. We all know about them, mostly bad, but that seems to be changed. They are currently 1-0 with one of the best rosters in the NFL. Outside of that, they also signed their future franchise quarterback to a big-time contract. Also, they have one of the best running backs, offensive linemen, and defensive linemen in the whole entire league. For me, this is an exciting time to be a Cleveland Brown fan, especially to see what the future holds for them. I can't pick a favorite Cleveland sports team, but i

Routine Is Key

    Do you have a daily or weekly routine? A routine can be beneficial to success, especially when you are a busy person. Being able to write down a routine, can help you in numerous ways, including daily organization and structure. By definition, routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed; a followed program. A routine may seem boring or get old, but I promise you it can be the key to a successful life.      I am big on a daily routine because of how seriously I took it this past summer and how great it made my days feel. Monday through Friday, my wake-up call was 5 am, and I was in the weight room by 5:30 am. I would wrap up my lift around 6:30 am, shower, and eat a big breakfast. By 7:20 am, I was out the door and on the way to work. I would then work from 7:30 am-5:00 pm, come home and go to the court at 6:30 pm and get my work in. I would then head home, shower, eat, and go to bed before 10:00 pm. Just by following this daily ritual five days a week, I was able to gain 20