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Chapter 1-7

    After finishing our midterm in this class, I feel as if it can be a good time to talk about the first seven chapters and the things I have learned about social media. I am actually taking this class because I decided to pick up social media as a minor and I am beyond glad I did it because I thoroughly enjoy learning about different aspects in social media. This is something that really sparked my interest because I feel like the whole world is ran by social media and cellphones. 

    Through the first half of this class so far we have learned about all the main social media apps. These include: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. I enjoyed learning about all of them but my favorite was Twitter and that is because it is my favorite app and I also feel as if it is the best app to promote yourself and your business. Twitter is the app I have had the longest so I enjoyed hearing some information about it that I have never heard. For example, that your username can only be 15 characters or the fact that tweets used to be only 140 characters. In reality, all these apps are good to promote yourself, including even Snapchat, but I feel as if Twitter is the best one. Facebook is the most common app used among people of all ages, including the older age too. You can use Instagram for many things including sharing other posts on your "Instagram story" which can be very successful. 

    Nowadays to be a successful business person, you almost have to use social media. Not only for yourself, but for your company or business, it can be a great way to promote and share. If you do not feel comfortable with this, there is plenty of resources out there that can help you grow, do not be afraid to ask!



  1. Hello,

    I liked how you summarized all the chapters we have covered in the book so far. I also have a strong interest in social media and continuing that into my future career which is why I picked up a Public Relations major where social media can be so prominent. I agree this class is a huge stepping stone to help us continue to grasp the idea of social media. Keep up the good work!

  2. That’s a good wrap up of the first seven chapters of the book. I am also glad I took this course. Prior to this course I never really used social media much, so it is interesting to see all the features of each platform. I had also never really considered the people that designed the ads that are displayed on each platform. In general, I don’t see many ads because of ad blockers, but I have also gotten pretty good at tuning out the ads I do see. During this class I’ve gained a new appreciation of ads and take more time to look at them.


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