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Showing posts from August, 2021

Chapter 1 - Principles of Social Media

 After going through and learning about Chapter 1 in Principles of Social Media I am already excited about it and the different things we can learn. I was shocked to learn that 67% of the world uses a social media platform, I figured that number would be 80% or higher when you think about the amount of devices and social media sites that are in the world. A big thing we learned about was the advantages and disadvantages, and it was good to hear some of the ideas. I know that my favorite thing about social media and one of the biggest advantages is being able to promote yourself and get your name out there. Especially for me being an athlete, the NCAA passed a law that you can make money of your name, image, and likeness so having social media for that reason can be a big advantage. Secondly, is also being able to stay up to date with family and friends, especially the ones that you don't get to see very often. I know I use social media a lot and just my phone in general to stay in


     Grateful. That is the best word to describe my life and how I feel. Summer 2021 was the best summer I have ever had and I don't say that too often, it truly made me realize how grateful I am for the people around me and the ones who support me. My family is great and they truly support me in everything I do, my dad has nine siblings and my mom has four siblings so I come from a very big family too. I will always cherish every moment I get with them.      I am also grateful for my upcoming basketball season this year at Ohio Northern, it will be my redshirt junior season, and we have a serious chance to be very dangerous if we all stay together and work hard. We are finally able to have a full season of 25 games, and hopefully a normal season, even though Covid is still around and serious. My freshman year was very rough in the classroom and court but my sophomore season on the court and classroom was much better and has me super excited to what this year has in store. More imp