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Showing posts from December, 2022

Senior Presentations

    Wrapping up the first semester of my senior year, it has been a fantastic time, but also an absolute grind. It has been a lot of presentations and speaking, and a lot fewer exams, which has its pros and cons. I enjoy speaking and doing presentations, and I despise exams, so it has played in my favor.      For example, we just wrapped up our capstone project with Marathon Petroleum Corporation. Capstone is the biggest business school project and is a huge factor in graduating. It was a huge sigh of relief once we finished today, and it felt like all the hard work paid off. On top of this, I have also had four other presentations this week and felt very confident about all of them. The finish line is close, and it is scary to think about. Once I graduate, I am leaving a great place and some fantastic people and adventuring into the workforce.     If you are struggling with finals week coming up, just remember that a long break is on the horizon and the finish line is close. That is w


    As I sit back today and reflect, I keep thinking about how blessed I am and how great my life is. My life is great because of the people I have in my circle and the people that support me. When I think about some of these things, it really does make me complain a little less and be cheerful a little more. It is easy to smile and be happy when life is great, but how do we respond when life isn't always great and exciting? That truly determines how strong we are as people.      First, my family is great and they are my driving force in everything I do on a daily basis. When I look up in the stands at basketball games and see all of them, it reminds me of why I work hard and also how blessed I am. My family is massive, which makes it even better when I see so many of them. Secondly, my friends are incredible. I have met some of my best friends through college and have also maintained childhood friendships from back home. When things aren't always positive, I know I can come ho